4 Tips To Support Brain Health And Preserve Memory

A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is unsettling to say the least, but if you or a loved one have recently received this news, there are things you can do to protect your memory. Here are four tips to keep your mind active and preserve your brain health.


Exercising can not only preserve brain cells, it can also stimulate the growth of new brain cells. When a person exercises, they are increasing their oxygen intake, which is good for the brain as well as the rest of the body. Strength training has also shown to boost brain function and aid in memory. Good exercises for seniors include swimming, yoga, walking, and weightlifting.

Play Games

Whether it is board games or cards, playing games will help keep your mind alert and provide memory opportunities. Choose fast-moving games such as cribbage which require you to not only make decisions on what cards to hold but makes players remember what has already been laid. Cribbage also requires counting. You can even have special cards made with your own pictures on them. This is an excellent way to remember faces.

Board games are also great for keeping your memory sharp. Chess is a great game for increasing brain power as it requires the player to think ahead. Trivia games are another excellent choice as it requires cognitive thought and searching your memory bank for the answer or reasoning the question out to come up with the answer that way.

Puzzles are also good for supporting your brain health. You can do a traditional puzzle. Trying to figure out which piece goes where and how the pieces fit is a great brain exercise. You can also do other puzzles, such as sudoku or crossword puzzles. Word search puzzles are also good as it makes the brain look for patterns.

Eat Well

Everyone knows a healthy diet is a must if you want your brain and body in top physical shape. Eat foods that are known to increase brain health. Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are a good start. Blueberries, broccoli, turmeric, dark chocolate, coffee, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and oranges should be a regular part of your diet as all have been found to have brain-enhancing powers.

Change Up Your Routines

When you do things the same way you have always done them, you aren't learning anything new, you're just going through the motions. Purposefully mix things up a bit and change your schedules. This will "shock" the brain into learning some new.

Finally, contact a memory care center. They can help you develop a plan suited to your specific needs.

About Me

The Benefits of Assisted Living Facilities

When my mom turned eighty, she started to develop a lot of health problems. She was living with me at the time, but I realized that I couldn't give her the kind of care that she needed. I thought about my options, but I was nervous about investigating assisted living facilities. Fortunately, a friend of mine talked with me about how much nursing homes had helped her parents, so I decided to take a peek. I found a really great assisted living facility near my home, and so I made an appointment to show my mom around. I couldn't believe how happy the residents were. Check out this blog to learn more about how a nursing facility could help your family members.

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