2 Resources For Caring For Your Aging Loved One

Watching someone you love age can be very difficult. You might be responsible for their care, or you could be watching from a distance and feel helpless. Someone you have known and admired all your life is now unable to care for themselves and it is hard for you and frustrating for them. Luckily, there are many resources available to the elderly that can allow them to feel independent while still getting the help that they need. Here are a couple options you should know about.

1. Adult Day Care Centers

Perhaps your loved one is able to get the help that they need at home during the nights and some days of the week, but they need assistance and can't be left alone. This can make it hard for caregivers to run errands, go to work, or live their normal life because it is as if they have an adult child that they need to care for. Luckily, there are adult day care centers that provide assistance in the care of elderly individuals, without being a full service nursing home.

Much like a day care for children, you can take your loved one to a day care facility during the day, however many hours you need, and know that they will be taken care of. They will have furnishings provided so that they can rest and sleep, entertainment to avoid boredom and meals so that they are well fed. You can use the day care center as often or as little as you need. In many cases you can pay a daily or hourly rate so that you can use it as needed.

2. Home Health

Another good option is to have home health, or hospice, come into your home. This is like hiring a sitter for your loved one who has a very specific skill set to care for the elderly. Usually the caregiver is trained in medical assistance so that they can administer medication, give baths, help the person dress, and know what to do in the case of an emergency.

Much like a day care center, you can use the hospice service as often or as little as needed. This allows the person to stay in their home, but still receive the care that they need. However, unlike the day care center they will not have the same entertainment or dining options.

These are just two options for caring for your loved one.

About Me

The Benefits of Assisted Living Facilities

When my mom turned eighty, she started to develop a lot of health problems. She was living with me at the time, but I realized that I couldn't give her the kind of care that she needed. I thought about my options, but I was nervous about investigating assisted living facilities. Fortunately, a friend of mine talked with me about how much nursing homes had helped her parents, so I decided to take a peek. I found a really great assisted living facility near my home, and so I made an appointment to show my mom around. I couldn't believe how happy the residents were. Check out this blog to learn more about how a nursing facility could help your family members.

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